An easier way to earn point & spend!
Earn and use points with ease! Use the Instant Point Earn service when spending at selected merchants in designated SHKP shopping malls. Members can simply scan their membership QR codes to instantly earn points during the transactions. Once earned, points can be effortlessly converted into Point Dollars for spending as cash.
Members can earn points at the following merchants through “Instant Point Earn”, using "Upload Receipt" function or by registering points at the mall's Customer Care Centre, until further notice.
“Instant Point Earn” will be available soon
Earn Points
Accept Point Dollar
How to Convert Points into Point Dollar and Spend as Cash?
Press “The Point” button and choose “Point Dollar”
Key in the Point Dollar amount to be used* and press “Confirm Payment”
*Minimum spending amount is $10 Point Dollar (250 points = $1 Point Dollar)
3. Present the QR code to shop staff of participating merchants to scan# and complete payment with Point Dollar
#The QR Code is valid for 120 seconds. Points used and Point Dollar spent will be deducted from your account upon successful scanning of the QR code and are not refundable.