本推廣活動將於推廣期內分七個階段進行(下稱「階段」) ,獎品及每階段重要日期詳列如下:
階段 推廣期
獎品1: 半價雙人來回機票的每周航點及名額* (由首1-50名或首1-80名得獎者獲得) 獎品2: 以200分換領The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品 (由第51至250名或第81至280名得獎者獲得) 登記搶飛日期
第一階段 20/12/2023 –
東京 (50套) 200 份 27/12/2023
11:00 am
第二階段 27/12/2023 –
首爾 (50套) 200 份 3/1/2024
11:00 am
第三階段 3/1/2024 –
曼谷 (50套) 200 份 10/1/2024
11:00 am
第四階段 10/1/2024 –
臺北 (50套) 200 份 17/1/2024
11:00 am
第五階段 17/1/2024 –
馬尼拉 (50套) 200 份 24/1/2024
11:00 am
第六階段 24/1/2024 –
胡志明市 (50套) 200 份 31/1/2024
11:00 am
第七階段 31/1/2024 –
大阪 (50套)
曼谷 (30套)
200 份 14/2/2024
11:00 am
*名額: 每套獎品包括兩張來回機票。
  1. 活動推廣期由2023年12月20日至2024年2月11日,包括首尾兩日(下稱「推廣期」)。如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  2. 活動只適用於新鴻基地產代理有限公司(「新鴻基地產」)旗下25間The Point(「The Point」)指定商場,觀塘apm、屯門卓爾廣場、薄扶林置富南區廣場、將軍澳東港城、北角匯、沙田HomeSquare、上水廣場、葵芳新都會廣場、屯門錦薈坊、上水新都廣場、新蒲崗Mikiki、旺角MOKO新世紀廣場、柴灣新翠商場、沙田新城市廣場、將軍澳中心、將軍澳天晉滙、大埔超級城、荃灣荃錦中心、荃灣廣場、大埔新達廣場、屯門V city、南昌V Walk、銅鑼灣wwwtc mall、元朗YOHO MALL形點及元朗廣場(「參與商場」)。本公司有權隨時更改指定商場名單而毋須事前通知。
  3. 參加方法:
    3.1 已登記為The Point會員須於推廣期內成功以200分換領「飛賞假期參加證」(「參加證」)及
    3.2 於每個階段的指定推廣期內在新地指定商場以電子貨幣消費,並於每個階段的指定推廣期內透過The Point手機應用程式(「手機應用程式」)、新地商場會員計劃微信小程序(「微信小程序」)、The Point新地商場會員計劃支付寶小程序(「支付寶小程序」)、AlipayCN / AlipayHK「The Point」小程式、或經消費商場之禮賓櫃檯/顧客服務中心(「登記積分渠道」) 上載或出示有效之商戶機印發票及相符之電子貨幣付款存根正本(「消費單據」)、或已啟用「自動賺取The Point積分功能」、或透過指定參與商戶之The Point掃描裝置( 「即賺分」服務)登記積分,並獲成功批核後累積消費滿港幣500元。
    3.3 並透過活動邀請電郵或指定網站於參與階段的指定登記搶飛日期及時間進行登記,就有機會獲得獎品。每個階段最快成功登記搶飛的合資格會員將可獲得該階段所派發的獎品,獎品先到先得,滿額即止。
  4. 會員完成參加方法中的3.1及3.2後,將可獲得200積分回贈。積分將於2024年3月1日前存入合資格的會員賬戶內,每個合資格只可獲回贈200積分一次。
  5. 若重複於同一階段內登記,則以首次登記時間為準。每位會員於推廣期內每個階段可參與1次,整個推廣期間最多可參與7次及最多可贏取7份獎品。
  6. 會員於整個推廣期內成功換領參加證一次即代表已參與本活動,毋須每個階段換領一次或前往商場領取預留證。
  7. 換領參加證及消費的時間無先後次序之分,只要在推廣期內完成便可。於推廣期內,會員可在消費後才換領參加證。
  8. 經活動邀請電郵或指定網頁的登記搶飛時間將以The Point 系統所顯示之時間為準,參加者均不得異議。
  9. 如有任何因網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於新鴻基地產及指定商場之事由,而使獲得獎品資格的會員登記之資料或新鴻基地產發出之通知有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,新鴻基地產及指定商場不負任何法律責任,獲得獎品資格的會員者均不得異議。
  10. 有效機印發票上的消費日期必須為參與階段的推廣期內。其電子消費必須於相應參與階段期內登記積分,獲成功批核後的消費才會成為合資格的消費。
  11. 登記積分須受「登記積分」之條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽www.thepoint.com.hk 、手機應用程式、微信官方帳號或向指定商場之顧客服務中心/會員專櫃查詢。登記消費日必須為相應參與階段期內。逾期登記之消費單據一概不受理及不會成為本活動的合資格消費。
  12. 所有商戶機印發票及電子貨幣付款存根必須為機印,及清晰顯示由新地商場之商舖發出,及清晰列明商舖名稱、商舖號碼、發票編號、交易編號、交易日期、消費金額及產品名稱。
  13. 購買指定節慶食品券所發出之單據合資格登記積分:月餅券(包括雪糕月餅券)、賀年糕點券、粽券及臘腸券。但以下商戶或業務所發出之單據不合資格登記積分:Apple商戶、旅行社、過境巴士、地產代理公司、健身及美容中心服務(購買產品除外)、理髮/髮型護理(購買產品除外)、老人院、醫務所及牙醫診所(購買產品除外)、洗車及汽車美容、汽車產品及服務、購買泊車卡、小賣車、展覽場地、臨時展銷攤位/Pop Up Store(有關商戶名單將不時作出更新,恕不另行通知,詳情可聯絡新地商場)、新翠花園4樓商場商戶、寫字樓客戶、酒店、銀行服務、保險計劃的保費、貨幣兌換店、學費/會籍費/其他月費、購買或增值八達通、任何增值服務或繳費、郵購、傳真訂購、電郵訂購、電話訂購、網上購物(網上購買電影戲票除外)、任何台費、電話卡費用、以舊換新交易或換領貨品、購買新地商場禮品卡、購買或使用現金券、禮品卡、Point Dollar、電子優惠券、會員卡、積分卡、折扣卡、增值卡、鞋券、湯券、飲品券、食品券、餅卡及婚嫁禮券(包括但不限於西餅卡、唐餅卡、婚嫁禮卡及婚嫁禮券)、購買金粒、金條及供金會、以現金繳付之發票、手寫/重印/影印本之消費單據及付款存根、退款、未誌賬或不合資格的交易。
  14. 登記活動之消費單據可同時兌換參與商場之常設泊車優惠(視乎參與商場之泊車優惠消費條款),亦可與個別商場其他優惠及推廣活動同時使用,詳情請留意個別商場之條款及細則。
  15. 每階段的最快成功登記搶飛的首50名或80名 (80名只適用於第七階段) 合資格會員即可獲得該階段的指定航點雙人來回機票半價優惠碼,每個名額包括2張大灣區航空來回機票,得獎者可憑優惠碼到指定網站購買2張大灣區航空來回機票到指定航點,請參閱「大灣區航空雙人來回機票半價優惠碼的條款及細則」。
  16. 每階段的最快成功登記搶飛的的第51至250名或81至280名 (第81至280名只適用於第七階段) 合資格會員即可獲得該階段的指定The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品優惠 (款式隨機,包括:3合1衣物收納袋套裝;RFID 防磁卡片套;多用途旅行收納袋;摺疊式行李袋;行李箱保護套;輕便超細纖維浴巾;防水袋 (10L) ),得獎者可於指定時間內到指定地點以優惠價200 The Point積分換領該禮品。
  17. 所有The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品均隨機派發,得獎者不得自選及不得更換。
  18. 得獎者必須親身領取The Point x柴犬工房出遊用品,職員可要求會員出示身分證明文件作核對用途。
  19. 得獎者將於上表日期透過由The Point發出的電郵、短訊或電話通知領獎事宜。如遺失領獎電郵或短訊,將不獲補發。
  20. 如得獎者未能於指定時間內領取獎品,將作棄權論。
  21. 所有獎品一經送出,在任何情況下,均不得取消、更改、轉讓、退回、兌換現金及找贖。得獎者明白及接納領取之獎品並非由新鴻基地產及指定商場提供,因此新鴻基地產及指定商場對有關獎品(包括但不只限於數量及質素)毋須負上任何法律責任。除法律規定之責任外,得獎者因享用獎品(包括但不限於直接或間接)而造成的損失或破壞,或人身傷害,新鴻基地產及指定商場概不負責。
  22. 如得獎者對於大灣區航空雙人來回機票半價優惠碼或購買大灣區航空雙人來回機票有任何查詢,請直接Whatsapp大灣區航空客戶服務部:+852 30013122,或電郵至 promo@greaterbay-airlines.com
  23. 如會員參加本活動,即表示參加者接受及同意遵守本條款及細則。如有違反,主辦單位有權取消其參加或得獎資格,並對於任何破壞是次活動之行為保留追究權利。
  24. 如有任何舞弊或欺詐行為,新鴻基地產及指定商場將即時取消會員的參加資格及保留追究之權利,新鴻基地產及指定 商場保留因會員被取消資格而收回有關額外積分/Point Dollar之權利。
  25. 參加者必須年滿18歲。參與策劃本活動及指定商場之員工均不可參加是次活動,以示公允。
  26. 如有任何爭議,新鴻基地產及指定商場保留最終決定權。
  27. 優惠須受The Point之條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽The Point 網頁 (https://www.thepoint.com.hk/tc/terms-and-conditions.html)。
  28. 條款及細則以英文及中文編寫,中英文本如有歧異或矛盾,概以英文為準。
  1. 機票預訂日期及航班出發日期:
    A. 香港出發至胡志明市和馬尼拉以外航線:
    B. 香港至胡志明市和馬尼拉航線:無不適用日期。
  2. 優惠票價不包括燃油附加費和有關税款。
  3. 適用於支付成人或兒童票價的旅客。
  4. 機票有效期最少停留 0 天,最多停留 7 天。
  5. 旅程必須及只能從香港出發。
  6. 每一個優惠碼可購買最多1套來回機票。
  7. 機位有限,先到先得。
  8. 機票訂位將用預訂代號 (RBD) «N» 艙位,預訂時因應 RBD 的座位供應情況而確認。
  9. 出票後,任何航班、日期或時間的變更,每人每次每航程需支付港幣 $600 元的費用。
  10. 機票變更必須於原定航班起飛時間至少2小時前完成,否則將需額外支付每人每航程港幣 $600元的誤機費。
  11. 機票不可退款、不可更改航線及不可轉讓。
  12. 旅客應在出票時支付適用的燃油附加費及有關税款。
  13. 同行兒童或同行佔座嬰兒的票價與成人票價相同。
  14. 同行不佔座嬰兒的票價為港幣 $520。
  15. 機票包含20公斤免費託運行李額。同行不佔座嬰兒的機票則不包含免費託運行李額。
  16. 航班如非自願取消或改期,申請改期只限一次。改期申請必須於受影響航班日期的7天內提出。改期後的航班必須於受影響航班日期的10天內出發。
  17. 乘客不論任何原因而錯過了來回航班的去程航段,乘客的回程航段仍然有效,但去程航段除未使用的稅款外將不予退款。
  18. 大灣區航空保留隨時修改此條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,大灣區航空保留最終決定權。
  19. 如本條款及細則的中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。
“Joyous Holiday: 50% Off Round-trip Tickets
for 2” Promotion Terms and Conditions
This promotion will be conducted in seven stages (referred to as "phases") within the promotion period. The prizes and important dates of each phase are listed below:
Phase Promotion Period
(Spending & points registration)
Prize 1: Weekly flight destinations and quotas for 50% off round-trip tickets for 2 (awarded to the 1st -50th or 1st -80th winners) Prize 2: Redeem The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories with 200 The Point bonus points (awarded to 51st -250th or 81st -280th winners) Registration Date
(Prizes are given on a first-come-first-served-basis)
Winner announcement Date
(via email)
Phase 1 20/12/2023 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 27/12/2023
11:00 am
Phase 2 27/12/2023 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 3/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 3 3/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 10/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 4 10/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 17/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 5 17/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 24/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 6 24/1/2024 –
Ho Chi Minh City (50 sets) 200 pcs 31/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 7 31/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
(30 sets)
200 pcs 14/2/2024
11:00 am
On or before 23/2/2024
* Quota: Each prize set includes two round-trip tickets
  1. The Activity is valid from 20 December 2023 to 11 February 2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). No prior notice will be issued if there are any changes.
  2. The Activity is applicable to 25 The Point (“The Point”) designated malls of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited (“SHK Real”): Kwun Tong apm, Tuen Mun Chelsea Heights, Pok Fu Lam Chi Fu Landmark, Tseung Kwan O East Point City, North Point Harbour North, Sha Tin HomeSquare, Tuen Mun K-Point, Sheung Shui Landmark North, Kwai Fong Metroplaza, Sheung Shui Metropolis Plaza, San Po Kong Mikiki, Mong Kok MOKO, Chai Wan New Jade Shopping Arcade, Sha Tin New Town Plaza, Tseung Kwan O Park Central, Tseung Kwan O PopWalk, Tai Po Mega Mall, Tsuen Wan Tsuen Kam Centre, Tsuen Wan Plaza, Tai Po Uptown Plaza, Tuen Mun V city, Nam Cheong V Walk, Causeway Bay wwwtc mall, Yuen Long YOHO MALL and Yuen Long Plaza (“Designated Malls”). The Designated Malls are subject to change without prior notice.
  3. How to participate:
    3.1 Members are required to successfully redeem “Joyous Holiday Enrolment Pass” (“Enrolment Pass”) with 200 points; and
    3.2 Spend designated amount by electronic payment at SHKP Designated Malls within each phase; and successful points registration by uploading or presenting valid merchant’s machine-printed invoice and the corresponding electronic payment slip (“Eligible Receipts”) via The Point App (“the App”) / 新地商場會員計劃WeChat Mini Program (“WeChat Mini Program”) / AlipayCN or AlipayHK “The Point” Mini App or at VIP counter or Customer Care Center, or using the “Auto-earn The Point Bonus Points” function, or using the designated scanning device at participating merchants (Instant Point Earn Service) within the phase. Member is eligible to join the Activity upon successfully registered accumulated spending of HK$500; and
    3.3 Register to win the prizes through the designated email or website within the specified period of time for each phase. Being the first designated amount of eligible members to complete the successful registration, members will have a chance to win the prizes of the phase. Quota is limited. Prizes are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.
  4. Eligible Members who completed point 3.1 and 3.2 will earn 200 bonus points rebate. The bonus points will be credited to members’ accounts on or before 1 March 2024 and each eligible member is qualified for rewarding 200 bonus points once only.
  5. If there are multiple registrations within the same phase, the time of the first registration will be counted as the only record. Each member can participate once in each phase, with a maximum of 7 participations and winning a maximum of 7 prizes throughout the entire promotion period.
  6. Successful redemption of one “Enrolment Pass” by a member means his or her participation in this activity for the whole promotion period. Member is not required to redeem it for each phase or visit the mall to collect the enrolment pass.
  7. There is no order of time for redemption of Enrolment Pass and spending, as long as they are completed within the Promotion Period.
  8. The registration time through the designated email or website will be based on the time displayed on The Point system, and participants may not raise objections to it.
  9. If the registered data or reward collection notification is lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable or damaged caused by any computer, network, telephone or technical issue, which is not attributed to the default of SHK Real and Designated Malls, SHK Real and Designated Malls shall not have any legal liability.
  10. The invoice date printed on machine-printed receipts must be within each phase of the Promotion Period. Only the electronic spending with successful point registration completed within each phase will be considered as eligible in this Activity.
  11. Bonus point registration is subject to the terms and conditions of “Earning Bonus Points” in “The Point”. For details, please refer to www.thepoint.com.hk/en, the App or the WeChat Official Account, or contact the staff at the Customer Service Counters or VIP Club Counters of Designated Malls. The registration date must be within each phase of the promotion period. Any point registration after that is not accepted and the corresponding spending is not eligible for this Activity.
  12. All valid receipts and electronic payment slips must be machine-printed and clearly show the name of the merchant, shop address, invoice number, transaction number, transaction date, amount of the transaction and product name.
  13. Receipts of purchasing the following designated festive food coupons are eligible for bonus points: mooncake (including ice cream mooncake), Chinese New Year pudding, rice dumplings, and Chinese preserved sausage vouchers). But the receipts from the following or in the nature of the following shops or businesses are ineligible for bonus points registration: Apple Store; travel agencies and cross-border buses; property/real estate agencies; services of fitness and beauty centers (except purchase of products); haircut/hair treatment (except purchase of products); elderly homes; medical and dental clinic services (except purchase of products); carwash, car care services, automotive products and related service or the purchase of parking cards; kiosks, exhibition venues and temporary exhibition booths / Pop Up Stores (this merchant list is subject to change from time to time without prior notice. For details, please contact SHKP Malls); tenants located at L4 Shopping Arcade, New Jade Gardens, tenants in office buildings; hotels; banking services; insurance premiums; money exchange shops; tuition / membership / any other monthly fees; the purchase or topping-up of Octopus cards; value-added or payment services; mail, fax, email or phone orders; online shopping (except online purchase of movie tickets); telecommunication fees or purchase of calling cards; trade-in transactions or product redemptions, purchase of SHKP Malls Gift Card, purchase and use of cash coupons, gift cards, gift certificates, Point Dollar, e-coupons, gift cards, membership cards, bonus point cards, discount cards or value-added cards, shoe coupons, soup coupons, drink coupons, food coupons, cake cards, and wedding coupons (including but not limited to cake cards, Chinese bridal cake cards, wedding vouchers and wedding coupons); purchase of gold grains, bars or deposits for the gold saving club, payments settled by cash, payments with a handwritten receipts, reprinted or photocopied receipt and payment slip, cancelled or returned transactions; or other non-eligible transactions.
  14. Spending Receipts registered for the Promotion can redeem free parking offer of Designated Malls (subject to Designated Malls’ free parking terms and conditions). It can be used in conjunction with other promotional offers at Designated Malls. Please refer to the terms and conditions of Designated Malls.
  15. For each phase, the first 50 or 80 eligible members (80 eligible members only apply to the seventh phase) who successfully register will receive a 50% off promotional code for round-trip tickets to the designated destination. Each quota includes two Greater Bay Airlines round-trip tickets. Winners can use the promotional code to purchase two Greater Bay Airlines flight tickets to the designated destination on designated website. Please refer to the "Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip Flight Ticket Promotional Code Terms and Conditions" for more details.
  16. For each phase, the 51st to 250th or 81st to 280th eligible members (the 81st to 280th eligible members only apply to the seventh phase) who successfully register can redeem The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories with 200 points (random style of 3-in-1 Travel Organizer Set; Anti-RFID Card Holder; Multifunctional Travel Pouch; Foldable Duffel Bag; Luggage Cover; Microfiber Towel; Waterproof Dry Tube (10L)). Winners can redeem the merchandises at designated locations within the specified period.
  17. All The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories merchandise will be distributed randomly, and winners are not allowed to choose or exchange the items.
  18. The winners must collect the prizes of The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories in person. Staff reserves the right to ask for identity proof for verification purpose.
  19. Winners will be notified of prize collection details via email, SMS, or phone call from The Point on the dates specified in the table above. Lost prize collection emails or SMS will not be reissued.
  20. If winners fail to collect the prize within the specified time, it will be considered forfeited.
  21. Prizes cannot be cancelled, altered, transferred, refunded or exchanged for cash under any conditions once they are issued. Winners understand and accept that the prizes are not supplied by SHK Real and the Designated Malls, who shall have no legal liability relating to any aspect of the product, including but not limited to its availability and quality. SHK Real and the Designated Malls shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking or using any of the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  22. If the winners have any inquiries regarding to Greater Bay Airlines 50% off round-trip flight ticket offer or the use of promotional code, please contact Greater Bay Airlines customer service via WhatsApp at +852 30013122, or email at promo@greaterbay-airlines.com.
  23. Participation in the Activity constitutes an acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Activity.
  24. In case of fraud or abuse, Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls reserve the right to disqualify members immediately and retain the right to take legal action. Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls reserve the right to retrieve Extra Bonus Points / Point Dollar from members after disqualification.
  25. Participant must be aged 18 or above. Staff members of The Point and Designated Malls who assist in organizing the Activity are not eligible to participate.
  26. In case of disputes, the decision of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls shall be final and conclusive.
  27. Terms and Conditions of The Point applied. Please visit to The Point website (https://www.thepoint.com.hk/tc/terms-and-conditions.html) for details.
  28. In the event of inconsistency between English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip Flight Ticket Promotional Code Terms and Conditions:
  1. Flight Tickets Redemption and Travel Commencing Period:
    Flight Tickets Redemption Period: 5 January 2024 – 29 February 2024
    Travel Commencing Period: 5 January 2024 – 26 October 2024*
    *Blackout Period:
    A. All routes except HKG-SGN & HKG-MNL:
    5-18 February 2024, 27 March - 5 April 2024 for departing Hong Kong
    B. HKG-SGN & HKG-MNL routes: nil blackout period.
  2. Applicable taxes and fuel surcharges are not included in all promotional flight ticket prices.
  3. The fares are eligible for passengers paying adult/child fare.
  4. The ticket is valid for zero (0) to seven (7) days.
  5. Travel must originate from Hong Kong only.
  6. Each Promotional code may purchase up to one (1) set of roundtrip ticket.
  7. Seats are limited and are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  8. Booking will be made under Reservations Booking Designator (RBD) «N» class, and confirmation is subject to seat availability of this RBD at the time of booking.
  9. Once the ticket is issued, rebooking is allowed at HK$600 per flight segment per person per time.
  10. Rebooking must be applied two (2) hours prior to the originally booked flight. Otherwise, an extra no-show fee will be charged at HK$600 per segment.
  11. The ticket is non-refundable, non-reroutable and non-transferable.
  12. The passenger needs to pay the applicable fuel surcharges and taxes at the time of ticketing.
  13. For an accompanying child or infant occupying a seat, the same rate for an adult passenger applies.
  14. For an accompanying Infant not occupying a seat, the fare is HK$520.
  15. The ticket includes a 20kg check-in baggage allowance. The infant not occupying a seat ticket includes nil check-in baggage allowance.
  16. For involuntary flight cancellation or rescheduling, rebooking can only be applied once and must be made within seven (7) days of the affected departure day. The revised (new) travel date must be within ten (10) days of the affected departure day.
  17. If for any reason a passenger misses the outbound flight of a roundtrip, the returning flight will still be valid. However, no refund will be given for the missed outbound sector, except for unused taxes.
  18. Greater Bay Airlines reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of Greater Bay Airlines.
  19. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
本推廣活動將於推廣期內分七個階段進行(下稱「階段」) ,獎品及每階段重要日期詳列如下:
階段 推廣期
獎品1: 半價雙人來回機票的每周航點及名額* (由首1-50名或首1-80名得獎者獲得) 獎品2: 以200分換領The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品 (由第51至250名或第81至280名得獎者獲得) 登記搶飛日期
第一階段 20/12/2023 –
東京 (50套) 200 份 27/12/2023
11:00 am
第二階段 27/12/2023 –
首爾 (50套) 200 份 3/1/2024
11:00 am
第三階段 3/1/2024 –
曼谷 (50套) 200 份 10/1/2024
11:00 am
第四階段 10/1/2024 –
臺北 (50套) 200 份 17/1/2024
11:00 am
第五階段 17/1/2024 –
馬尼拉 (50套) 200 份 24/1/2024
11:00 am
第六階段 24/1/2024 –
胡志明市 (50套) 200 份 31/1/2024
11:00 am
第七階段 31/1/2024 –
大阪 (50套)
曼谷 (30套)
200 份 14/2/2024
11:00 am
*名額: 每套獎品包括兩張來回機票。
  1. 活動推廣期由2023年12月20日至2024年2月11日,包括首尾兩日(下稱「推廣期」)。如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  2. 活動只適用於新鴻基地產代理有限公司(「新鴻基地產」)旗下25間The Point(「The Point」)指定商場,觀塘apm、屯門卓爾廣場、薄扶林置富南區廣場、將軍澳東港城、北角匯、沙田HomeSquare、上水廣場、葵芳新都會廣場、屯門錦薈坊、上水新都廣場、新蒲崗Mikiki、旺角MOKO新世紀廣場、柴灣新翠商場、沙田新城市廣場、將軍澳中心、將軍澳天晉滙、大埔超級城、荃灣荃錦中心、荃灣廣場、大埔新達廣場、屯門V city、南昌V Walk、銅鑼灣wwwtc mall、元朗YOHO MALL形點及元朗廣場(「參與商場」)。本公司有權隨時更改指定商場名單而毋須事前通知。
  3. 參加方法:
    3.1 已登記為The Point會員須於推廣期內成功以200分換領「飛賞假期參加證」(「參加證」)及
    3.2 於每個階段的指定推廣期內在新地指定商場以電子貨幣消費,並於每個階段的指定推廣期內透過The Point手機應用程式(「手機應用程式」)、新地商場會員計劃微信小程序(「微信小程序」)、The Point新地商場會員計劃支付寶小程序(「支付寶小程序」)、AlipayCN / AlipayHK「The Point」小程式、或經消費商場之禮賓櫃檯/顧客服務中心(「登記積分渠道」) 上載或出示有效之商戶機印發票及相符之電子貨幣付款存根正本(「消費單據」)、或已啟用「自動賺取The Point積分功能」、或透過指定參與商戶之The Point掃描裝置( 「即賺分」服務)登記積分,並獲成功批核後累積消費滿港幣500元。
    3.3 並透過活動邀請電郵或指定網站於參與階段的指定登記搶飛日期及時間進行登記,就有機會獲得獎品。每個階段最快成功登記搶飛的合資格會員將可獲得該階段所派發的獎品,獎品先到先得,滿額即止。
  4. 會員完成參加方法中的3.1及3.2後,將可獲得200積分回贈。積分將於2024年3月1日前存入合資格的會員賬戶內,每個合資格只可獲回贈200積分一次。
  5. 若重複於同一階段內登記,則以首次登記時間為準。每位會員於推廣期內每個階段可參與1次,整個推廣期間最多可參與7次及最多可贏取7份獎品。
  6. 會員於整個推廣期內成功換領參加證一次即代表已參與本活動,毋須每個階段換領一次或前往商場領取預留證。
  7. 換領參加證及消費的時間無先後次序之分,只要在推廣期內完成便可。於推廣期內,會員可在消費後才換領參加證。
  8. 經活動邀請電郵或指定網頁的登記搶飛時間將以The Point 系統所顯示之時間為準,參加者均不得異議。
  9. 如有任何因網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於新鴻基地產及指定商場之事由,而使獲得獎品資格的會員登記之資料或新鴻基地產發出之通知有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,新鴻基地產及指定商場不負任何法律責任,獲得獎品資格的會員者均不得異議。
  10. 有效機印發票上的消費日期必須為參與階段的推廣期內。其電子消費必須於相應參與階段期內登記積分,獲成功批核後的消費才會成為合資格的消費。
  11. 登記積分須受「登記積分」之條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽www.thepoint.com.hk 、手機應用程式、微信官方帳號或向指定商場之顧客服務中心/會員專櫃查詢。登記消費日必須為相應參與階段期內。逾期登記之消費單據一概不受理及不會成為本活動的合資格消費。
  12. 所有商戶機印發票及電子貨幣付款存根必須為機印,及清晰顯示由新地商場之商舖發出,及清晰列明商舖名稱、商舖號碼、發票編號、交易編號、交易日期、消費金額及產品名稱。
  13. 購買指定節慶食品券所發出之單據合資格登記積分:月餅券(包括雪糕月餅券)、賀年糕點券、粽券及臘腸券。但以下商戶或業務所發出之單據不合資格登記積分:Apple商戶、旅行社、過境巴士、地產代理公司、健身及美容中心服務(購買產品除外)、理髮/髮型護理(購買產品除外)、老人院、醫務所及牙醫診所(購買產品除外)、洗車及汽車美容、汽車產品及服務、購買泊車卡、小賣車、展覽場地、臨時展銷攤位/Pop Up Store(有關商戶名單將不時作出更新,恕不另行通知,詳情可聯絡新地商場)、新翠花園4樓商場商戶、寫字樓客戶、酒店、銀行服務、保險計劃的保費、貨幣兌換店、學費/會籍費/其他月費、購買或增值八達通、任何增值服務或繳費、郵購、傳真訂購、電郵訂購、電話訂購、網上購物(網上購買電影戲票除外)、任何台費、電話卡費用、以舊換新交易或換領貨品、購買新地商場禮品卡、購買或使用現金券、禮品卡、Point Dollar、電子優惠券、會員卡、積分卡、折扣卡、增值卡、鞋券、湯券、飲品券、食品券、餅卡及婚嫁禮券(包括但不限於西餅卡、唐餅卡、婚嫁禮卡及婚嫁禮券)、購買金粒、金條及供金會、以現金繳付之發票、手寫/重印/影印本之消費單據及付款存根、退款、未誌賬或不合資格的交易。
  14. 登記活動之消費單據可同時兌換參與商場之常設泊車優惠(視乎參與商場之泊車優惠消費條款),亦可與個別商場其他優惠及推廣活動同時使用,詳情請留意個別商場之條款及細則。
  15. 每階段的最快成功登記搶飛的首50名或80名 (80名只適用於第七階段) 合資格會員即可獲得該階段的指定航點雙人來回機票半價優惠碼,每個名額包括2張大灣區航空來回機票,得獎者可憑優惠碼到指定網站購買2張大灣區航空來回機票到指定航點,請參閱「大灣區航空雙人來回機票半價優惠碼的條款及細則」。
  16. 每階段的最快成功登記搶飛的的第51至250名或81至280名 (第81至280名只適用於第七階段) 合資格會員即可獲得該階段的指定The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品優惠 (款式隨機,包括:3合1衣物收納袋套裝;RFID 防磁卡片套;多用途旅行收納袋;摺疊式行李袋;行李箱保護套;輕便超細纖維浴巾;防水袋 (10L) ),得獎者可於指定時間內到指定地點以優惠價200 The Point積分換領該禮品。
  17. 所有The Point x 柴犬工房出遊用品均隨機派發,得獎者不得自選及不得更換。
  18. 得獎者必須親身領取The Point x柴犬工房出遊用品,職員可要求會員出示身分證明文件作核對用途。
  19. 得獎者將於上表日期透過由The Point發出的電郵、短訊或電話通知領獎事宜。如遺失領獎電郵或短訊,將不獲補發。
  20. 如得獎者未能於指定時間內領取獎品,將作棄權論。
  21. 所有獎品一經送出,在任何情況下,均不得取消、更改、轉讓、退回、兌換現金及找贖。得獎者明白及接納領取之獎品並非由新鴻基地產及指定商場提供,因此新鴻基地產及指定商場對有關獎品(包括但不只限於數量及質素)毋須負上任何法律責任。除法律規定之責任外,得獎者因享用獎品(包括但不限於直接或間接)而造成的損失或破壞,或人身傷害,新鴻基地產及指定商場概不負責。
  22. 如得獎者對於大灣區航空雙人來回機票半價優惠碼或購買大灣區航空雙人來回機票有任何查詢,請直接Whatsapp大灣區航空客戶服務部:+852 30013122,或電郵至 promo@greaterbay-airlines.com
  23. 如會員參加本活動,即表示參加者接受及同意遵守本條款及細則。如有違反,主辦單位有權取消其參加或得獎資格,並對於任何破壞是次活動之行為保留追究權利。
  24. 如有任何舞弊或欺詐行為,新鴻基地產及指定商場將即時取消會員的參加資格及保留追究之權利,新鴻基地產及指定 商場保留因會員被取消資格而收回有關額外積分/Point Dollar之權利。
  25. 參加者必須年滿18歲。參與策劃本活動及指定商場之員工均不可參加是次活動,以示公允。
  26. 如有任何爭議,新鴻基地產及指定商場保留最終決定權。
  27. 優惠須受The Point之條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽The Point 網頁 (https://www.thepoint.com.hk/tc/terms-and-conditions.html)。
  28. 條款及細則以英文及中文編寫,中英文本如有歧異或矛盾,概以英文為準。
  1. 機票預訂日期及航班出發日期:
    A. 香港出發至胡志明市和馬尼拉以外航線:
    B. 香港至胡志明市和馬尼拉航線:無不適用日期。
  2. 優惠票價不包括燃油附加費和有關税款。
  3. 適用於支付成人或兒童票價的旅客。
  4. 機票有效期最少停留 0 天,最多停留 7 天。
  5. 旅程必須及只能從香港出發。
  6. 每一個優惠碼可購買最多1套來回機票。
  7. 機位有限,先到先得。
  8. 機票訂位將用預訂代號 (RBD) «N» 艙位,預訂時因應 RBD 的座位供應情況而確認。
  9. 出票後,任何航班、日期或時間的變更,每人每次每航程需支付港幣 $600 元的費用。
  10. 機票變更必須於原定航班起飛時間至少2小時前完成,否則將需額外支付每人每航程港幣 $600元的誤機費。
  11. 機票不可退款、不可更改航線及不可轉讓。
  12. 旅客應在出票時支付適用的燃油附加費及有關税款。
  13. 同行兒童或同行佔座嬰兒的票價與成人票價相同。
  14. 同行不佔座嬰兒的票價為港幣 $520。
  15. 機票包含20公斤免費託運行李額。同行不佔座嬰兒的機票則不包含免費託運行李額。
  16. 航班如非自願取消或改期,申請改期只限一次。改期申請必須於受影響航班日期的7天內提出。改期後的航班必須於受影響航班日期的10天內出發。
  17. 乘客不論任何原因而錯過了來回航班的去程航段,乘客的回程航段仍然有效,但去程航段除未使用的稅款外將不予退款。
  18. 大灣區航空保留隨時修改此條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,大灣區航空保留最終決定權。
  19. 如本條款及細則的中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。
“Joyous Holiday: 50% Off Round-trip Tickets
for 2” Promotion Terms and Conditions
This promotion will be conducted in seven stages (referred to as "phases") within the promotion period. The prizes and important dates of each phase are listed below:
Phase Promotion Period
(Spending & points registration)
Prize 1: Weekly flight destinations and quotas for 50% off round-trip tickets for 2 (awarded to the 1st -50th or 1st -80th winners) Prize 2: Redeem The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories with 200 The Point bonus points (awarded to 51st -250th or 81st -280th winners) Registration Date
(Prizes are given on a first-come-first-served-basis)
Winner announcement Date
(via email)
Phase 1 20/12/2023 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 27/12/2023
11:00 am
Phase 2 27/12/2023 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 3/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 3 3/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 10/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 4 10/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 17/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 5 17/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
200 pcs 24/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 6 24/1/2024 –
Ho Chi Minh City (50 sets) 200 pcs 31/1/2024
11:00 am
Phase 7 31/1/2024 –
(50 sets)
(30 sets)
200 pcs 14/2/2024
11:00 am
On or before 23/2/2024
* Quota: Each prize set includes two round-trip tickets
  1. The Activity is valid from 20 December 2023 to 11 February 2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). No prior notice will be issued if there are any changes.
  2. The Activity is applicable to 25 The Point (“The Point”) designated malls of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited (“SHK Real”): Kwun Tong apm, Tuen Mun Chelsea Heights, Pok Fu Lam Chi Fu Landmark, Tseung Kwan O East Point City, North Point Harbour North, Sha Tin HomeSquare, Tuen Mun K-Point, Sheung Shui Landmark North, Kwai Fong Metroplaza, Sheung Shui Metropolis Plaza, San Po Kong Mikiki, Mong Kok MOKO, Chai Wan New Jade Shopping Arcade, Sha Tin New Town Plaza, Tseung Kwan O Park Central, Tseung Kwan O PopWalk, Tai Po Mega Mall, Tsuen Wan Tsuen Kam Centre, Tsuen Wan Plaza, Tai Po Uptown Plaza, Tuen Mun V city, Nam Cheong V Walk, Causeway Bay wwwtc mall, Yuen Long YOHO MALL and Yuen Long Plaza (“Designated Malls”). The Designated Malls are subject to change without prior notice.
  3. How to participate:
    3.1 Members are required to successfully redeem “Joyous Holiday Enrolment Pass” (“Enrolment Pass”) with 200 points; and
    3.2 Spend designated amount by electronic payment at SHKP Designated Malls within each phase; and successful points registration by uploading or presenting valid merchant’s machine-printed invoice and the corresponding electronic payment slip (“Eligible Receipts”) via The Point App (“the App”) / 新地商場會員計劃WeChat Mini Program (“WeChat Mini Program”) / AlipayCN or AlipayHK “The Point” Mini App or at VIP counter or Customer Care Center, or using the “Auto-earn The Point Bonus Points” function, or using the designated scanning device at participating merchants (Instant Point Earn Service) within the phase. Member is eligible to join the Activity upon successfully registered accumulated spending of HK$500; and
    3.3 Register to win the prizes through the designated email or website within the specified period of time for each phase. Being the first designated amount of eligible members to complete the successful registration, members will have a chance to win the prizes of the phase. Quota is limited. Prizes are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.
  4. Eligible Members who completed point 3.1 and 3.2 will earn 200 bonus points rebate. The bonus points will be credited to members’ accounts on or before 1 March 2024 and each eligible member is qualified for rewarding 200 bonus points once only.
  5. If there are multiple registrations within the same phase, the time of the first registration will be counted as the only record. Each member can participate once in each phase, with a maximum of 7 participations and winning a maximum of 7 prizes throughout the entire promotion period.
  6. Successful redemption of one “Enrolment Pass” by a member means his or her participation in this activity for the whole promotion period. Member is not required to redeem it for each phase or visit the mall to collect the enrolment pass.
  7. There is no order of time for redemption of Enrolment Pass and spending, as long as they are completed within the Promotion Period.
  8. The registration time through the designated email or website will be based on the time displayed on The Point system, and participants may not raise objections to it.
  9. If the registered data or reward collection notification is lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable or damaged caused by any computer, network, telephone or technical issue, which is not attributed to the default of SHK Real and Designated Malls, SHK Real and Designated Malls shall not have any legal liability.
  10. The invoice date printed on machine-printed receipts must be within each phase of the Promotion Period. Only the electronic spending with successful point registration completed within each phase will be considered as eligible in this Activity.
  11. Bonus point registration is subject to the terms and conditions of “Earning Bonus Points” in “The Point”. For details, please refer to www.thepoint.com.hk/en, the App or the WeChat Official Account, or contact the staff at the Customer Service Counters or VIP Club Counters of Designated Malls. The registration date must be within each phase of the promotion period. Any point registration after that is not accepted and the corresponding spending is not eligible for this Activity.
  12. All valid receipts and electronic payment slips must be machine-printed and clearly show the name of the merchant, shop address, invoice number, transaction number, transaction date, amount of the transaction and product name.
  13. Receipts of purchasing the following designated festive food coupons are eligible for bonus points: mooncake (including ice cream mooncake), Chinese New Year pudding, rice dumplings, and Chinese preserved sausage vouchers). But the receipts from the following or in the nature of the following shops or businesses are ineligible for bonus points registration: Apple Store; travel agencies and cross-border buses; property/real estate agencies; services of fitness and beauty centers (except purchase of products); haircut/hair treatment (except purchase of products); elderly homes; medical and dental clinic services (except purchase of products); carwash, car care services, automotive products and related service or the purchase of parking cards; kiosks, exhibition venues and temporary exhibition booths / Pop Up Stores (this merchant list is subject to change from time to time without prior notice. For details, please contact SHKP Malls); tenants located at L4 Shopping Arcade, New Jade Gardens, tenants in office buildings; hotels; banking services; insurance premiums; money exchange shops; tuition / membership / any other monthly fees; the purchase or topping-up of Octopus cards; value-added or payment services; mail, fax, email or phone orders; online shopping (except online purchase of movie tickets); telecommunication fees or purchase of calling cards; trade-in transactions or product redemptions, purchase of SHKP Malls Gift Card, purchase and use of cash coupons, gift cards, gift certificates, Point Dollar, e-coupons, gift cards, membership cards, bonus point cards, discount cards or value-added cards, shoe coupons, soup coupons, drink coupons, food coupons, cake cards, and wedding coupons (including but not limited to cake cards, Chinese bridal cake cards, wedding vouchers and wedding coupons); purchase of gold grains, bars or deposits for the gold saving club, payments settled by cash, payments with a handwritten receipts, reprinted or photocopied receipt and payment slip, cancelled or returned transactions; or other non-eligible transactions.
  14. Spending Receipts registered for the Promotion can redeem free parking offer of Designated Malls (subject to Designated Malls’ free parking terms and conditions). It can be used in conjunction with other promotional offers at Designated Malls. Please refer to the terms and conditions of Designated Malls.
  15. For each phase, the first 50 or 80 eligible members (80 eligible members only apply to the seventh phase) who successfully register will receive a 50% off promotional code for round-trip tickets to the designated destination. Each quota includes two Greater Bay Airlines round-trip tickets. Winners can use the promotional code to purchase two Greater Bay Airlines flight tickets to the designated destination on designated website. Please refer to the "Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip Flight Ticket Promotional Code Terms and Conditions" for more details.
  16. For each phase, the 51st to 250th or 81st to 280th eligible members (the 81st to 280th eligible members only apply to the seventh phase) who successfully register can redeem The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories with 200 points (random style of 3-in-1 Travel Organizer Set; Anti-RFID Card Holder; Multifunctional Travel Pouch; Foldable Duffel Bag; Luggage Cover; Microfiber Towel; Waterproof Dry Tube (10L)). Winners can redeem the merchandises at designated locations within the specified period.
  17. All The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories merchandise will be distributed randomly, and winners are not allowed to choose or exchange the items.
  18. The winners must collect the prizes of The Point x Shibainc Travel Accessories in person. Staff reserves the right to ask for identity proof for verification purpose.
  19. Winners will be notified of prize collection details via email, SMS, or phone call from The Point on the dates specified in the table above. Lost prize collection emails or SMS will not be reissued.
  20. If winners fail to collect the prize within the specified time, it will be considered forfeited.
  21. Prizes cannot be cancelled, altered, transferred, refunded or exchanged for cash under any conditions once they are issued. Winners understand and accept that the prizes are not supplied by SHK Real and the Designated Malls, who shall have no legal liability relating to any aspect of the product, including but not limited to its availability and quality. SHK Real and the Designated Malls shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking or using any of the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  22. If the winners have any inquiries regarding to Greater Bay Airlines 50% off round-trip flight ticket offer or the use of promotional code, please contact Greater Bay Airlines customer service via WhatsApp at +852 30013122, or email at promo@greaterbay-airlines.com.
  23. Participation in the Activity constitutes an acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Activity.
  24. In case of fraud or abuse, Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls reserve the right to disqualify members immediately and retain the right to take legal action. Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls reserve the right to retrieve Extra Bonus Points / Point Dollar from members after disqualification.
  25. Participant must be aged 18 or above. Staff members of The Point and Designated Malls who assist in organizing the Activity are not eligible to participate.
  26. In case of disputes, the decision of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and Designated Malls shall be final and conclusive.
  27. Terms and Conditions of The Point applied. Please visit to The Point website (https://www.thepoint.com.hk/tc/terms-and-conditions.html) for details.
  28. In the event of inconsistency between English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip Flight Ticket Promotional Code Terms and Conditions:
  1. Flight Tickets Redemption and Travel Commencing Period:
    Flight Tickets Redemption Period: 5 January 2024 – 29 February 2024
    Travel Commencing Period: 5 January 2024 – 26 October 2024*
    *Blackout Period:
    A. All routes except HKG-SGN & HKG-MNL:
    5-18 February 2024, 27 March - 5 April 2024 for departing Hong Kong
    B. HKG-SGN & HKG-MNL routes: nil blackout period.
  2. Applicable taxes and fuel surcharges are not included in all promotional flight ticket prices.
  3. The fares are eligible for passengers paying adult/child fare.
  4. The ticket is valid for zero (0) to seven (7) days.
  5. Travel must originate from Hong Kong only.
  6. Each Promotional code may purchase up to one (1) set of roundtrip ticket.
  7. Seats are limited and are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  8. Booking will be made under Reservations Booking Designator (RBD) «N» class, and confirmation is subject to seat availability of this RBD at the time of booking.
  9. Once the ticket is issued, rebooking is allowed at HK$600 per flight segment per person per time.
  10. Rebooking must be applied two (2) hours prior to the originally booked flight. Otherwise, an extra no-show fee will be charged at HK$600 per segment.
  11. The ticket is non-refundable, non-reroutable and non-transferable.
  12. The passenger needs to pay the applicable fuel surcharges and taxes at the time of ticketing.
  13. For an accompanying child or infant occupying a seat, the same rate for an adult passenger applies.
  14. For an accompanying Infant not occupying a seat, the fare is HK$520.
  15. The ticket includes a 20kg check-in baggage allowance. The infant not occupying a seat ticket includes nil check-in baggage allowance.
  16. For involuntary flight cancellation or rescheduling, rebooking can only be applied once and must be made within seven (7) days of the affected departure day. The revised (new) travel date must be within ten (10) days of the affected departure day.
  17. If for any reason a passenger misses the outbound flight of a roundtrip, the returning flight will still be valid. However, no refund will be given for the missed outbound sector, except for unused taxes.
  18. Greater Bay Airlines reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of Greater Bay Airlines.
  19. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.